Know the signs of whooping cough and take action!

Are you worried your baby may have whooping cough disease? If you have any concerns, now is the time to visit an urgent care center to make sure you receive a treatment plan immediately. At Preferred Dental Care, our urgent care clinic in Katy is fully prepared to identify the signs your child may be suffering before the disease worsens. Contacting a facility for urgent care treatment for whooping cough is the key to a positive outcome.

What is whooping cough?

Whooping cough (also known as pertussis) is a contagious disease that causes extended bouts of coughing and choking, making it hard for the sufferer to breathe. Although it can occur at all ages, whooping cough occurs mainly in children less than five years of age. A child may turn blue from lack of air and vomit after a coughing spell.

How do people get whooping cough?

Not many people realize that whooping cough is a very contagious disease, spread from person to person. Whooping cough is spread easily through personal contact, coughing, and sneezing, particularly when the patient suffering has not received a whooping cough vaccine.

What are the symptoms of whooping cough? 

With whooping cough, many different areas can be affected including, the lungs and the brain. The main areas affected are:

Respiratory (breathing):

Whooping cough severely affects the lungs and can result in some degree of a collapsed lung or pneumonia. As a result, pneumonia can develop that can be severe enough to lead to death.

Central nervous system:

With this disease, there can be severe convulsions. These are likely from a lack of oxygen or small amounts of bleeding in the brain. Due to this, death or permanent brain damage may occur as a result.

Nutritional (feeding):

Frequent vomiting and loss of appetite resulting from whooping cough are very common, resulting in severe weight loss.

At Preferred Urgent Care, we are proud to provide the best whooping cough treatment in Katy, TX. Don't delay with whooping cough. Contact our specialized team to receive quality and instant care for whooping cough with urgent care near you today.


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