Eye Redness and Pain: What Should I Know

Eye redness happens as a result of the tiny blood vessels in your eye becoming swollen or irritated. The condition can be mild or critical, calling for an urgent care clinic. Most serious eye problems are indicated by redness and pain; therefore, you should be concerned.

What Are the Causes

Eye redness is caused by inflamed blood vessels, which can be triggered by:

·   Air pollutants such as smoke, dust, and fumes

·   Allergies

·   Dry air

·   Chlorine in swimming pools

·   Sunlight

·   Wearing contact lens for too long

·   Eyestrain

Serious eye illnesses can be the reason for red, painful eyes. They include:

·   Eye trauma

·   Pinkeye

·   Corneal ulcer

·   Acute glaucoma

·   Bacterial or viral eye infection

·   Uveitis

·   Flu

·   Eyelid styes

Eye redness can also occur due to lifestyle reasons like cosmetic surgery, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol use, or overindulgence in electronic technology. Also, coughing can create a blood spot in the eye. It is known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage.

When Should I Seek Medical Care

In most cases, eye redness clear without intervention. A combination of symptoms, however, is problematic. You should seek eye care near you if you also experience:

·   Pain

·   Change in your vision

·   Inability to keep the eye open

·   Sensitivity to light

·   Fever

·   A discharge

·   Perception of an obstruction in the eye

Urgent care can treat eye problems that need immediate attention, such as:

·   Injury or trauma

·   A combination of headache and blurry vision

·   Nausea and vomiting besides eye redness

·   Seeing halos around light

Preferred Urgent Care specialists are well-trained in dealing with eye-related emergencies. We guarantee a fast response to ease your discomfort. If you need immediate care that your primary physician cannot provide, visit our Urgent Care clinic in Katy, TX. With our no-wait policy, you'll receive adequate treatment in no time.


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