
Showing posts with the label mastitis treatment

Fast Facts About Mastitis (Breast Infection)

  Mastitis is a condition featuring the infection of the tissues of the mammary glands. It can affect one of the breast tissues, or both. The infection leads to the formation of a hard and rather sore spot in your breast. This infection occurs in breastfeeding mothers, usually during the first 3 months after giving birth. It is such a worrisome condition, which is why many mothers seek urgent care in 77494 . It can disrupt your child’s breastfeeding patterns of and can give you a big scare of breast cancer. Facts About Mastitis  While you resolve to seek treatment at an urgent care clinic in Richmond, TX, consider the following facts about this condition: It often affects one breast at a time – rarely will patients at urgent care in Katy, TX , be diagnoses with Mastitis on both breasts at the same time. It often starts with a milk duct blockage – this is why it is very common for women who have just given birth. It can occur in men – although in v