Fast Facts About Mastitis (Breast Infection)

 Mastitis is a condition featuring the infection of the tissues of the mammary glands. It can affect one of the breast tissues, or both. The infection leads to the formation of a hard and rather sore spot in your breast.

This infection occurs in breastfeeding mothers, usually during the first 3 months after giving birth. It is such a worrisome condition, which is why many mothers seek urgent care in 77494. It can disrupt your child’s breastfeeding patterns of and can give you a big scare of breast cancer.

Facts About Mastitis 

While you resolve to seek treatment at an urgent care clinic in Richmond, TX, consider the following facts about this condition:

  1. It often affects one breast at a time – rarely will patients at urgent care in Katy, TX, be diagnoses with Mastitis on both breasts at the same time.

  2. It often starts with a milk duct blockage – this is why it is very common for women who have just given birth.

  3. It can occur in men – although in very rare cases, you will find men in an urgent clinic near you seeking treatment for Mastitis.

  4. You will experience flu-like symptoms – unless you are keen enough to notice the pain and swelling in your breasts, you can easily mistake the infection for the flu. The flu-like symptoms can also be severe enough to merit urgent care near you. However, there will be other symptoms to identify Mastitis, including redden and swollen part of your breast, a burning sensation in the breast, pain, and discomfort when breastfeeding, to mention a few.

  5. Treatment can limit breastfeeding – if you do not want to stop breastfeeding your child, mention it to your doctor. Some antibiotics prescribed for treatment are not necessarily appropriate for breastfeeding. For such, your doctor may advocate for non-medicinal self-help remedies before any drugs are prescribed.

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