What You Should Know About Toothaches

A toothache is pain or swelling felt in a tooth or around the area surrounding it. The inner flesh of your tooth has nerves and blood vessels that are very sensitive. Irritation and infection to this area can prove painful. The common causes of toothaches include:

·    An illness that causes an abscessed tooth

·    Damaged filling

·    Jaw trauma

·    Tooth impaction.

·    Cavities

·    Broken teeth

·    Gum disease

·    Constant grinding and clenching teeth.

Also, food remains stuck between teeth, and flossing too hard can induce toothache.

What Are The Symptoms?

Some of the signs to look out for include:

·    Persistent sharp or pulsating pain in the tooth

·    Pain when you chew

·    Swelling in the region surrounding the tooth

·    Bad taste and odor

·    Fever

·    Neck pain

·    Headache

·    Increased intolerance to heat and cold

·    Leaking discharge or blood from an infected tooth

What Are The Preventive Measures?

Most causes of toothaches can be controlled as they are a result of cavities. Practicing good oral hygiene by:

·    Brushing your teeth twice a day

·    Flossing

·    Avoiding sugar-filled foods

·    Rinsing our mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash

·    Attending dental check-ups

When to Seek Treatment

Some causes of toothache, like minor gum irritation, can be taken care of by home remedies.

However, you must get proper diagnosis and treatment from an urgent care clinic near you if:

·    A toothache lasts more than two days

·    You experience severe pain

·    Fever and an earache are present

At our urgent care center, the dentist will perform tests to find the source of the pain. Afterward, our dentists at our urgent care in Katy will provide an informed treatment plan. If you require urgent care at 77494, visit our walk-in clinic for prompt aid. Our board-certified and experienced physicians at our Katy urgent care clinic guarantee comprehensive care for you and your family.

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