
Allergies: What They Are, Causes and Treatment

Our immune system has an innate ability to protect the body against foreign harmful substances. Most of the time, it does an awesome job in detecting and removing toxic substances. Sometimes it misses the mark and mistakenly defends your body against substances that aren’t harmful to the human body.  These substances are called allergens. You can have a severe reaction to allergens that you might need to get to Preferred Urgent Care to receive allergy medication. Common Causes When your immune system mistakes a harmless substance for a dangerous one, you get an allergic reaction. Immediately, your immune system produces antibodies to fight off the “invader.” The immune system stores the information and will stay on alert to fight off the allergen if you are exposed to it again. Some of the common allergy triggers include: Insect stings from bees or wasps Airborne allergens such as animal dander. mold, pollen, dust mites Medications such as penicillin-based antibiotics